Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Some Good Stuff, And Some Evil...

Mmmmmmm... I really like this thing!! Since this whole blog scene is about sharing, I would be doing you, The Reader, a huge disservice if I didn't share some good links with you. Here now, you have a link to my church- lots of good resources there, a link to New Tribes Missions- of great importance to me, a link to the most conservative cable news channel- I'm a Republican, and a link to a very awesome devotional site- now go grow your relationship with God!

(much later...)
I am so freaking tired, and I have to go back to work!! (note post time) To know me is to love me. And those who know me will readily agree that I'm not always the most patient of people... (not with everything though- if you know me and disagree, I challenge you to come see what I do at work, and THEN say I have no patience!) This past week, I both switched my cell phone company to Cingular, and I got a cool new phone in the process. However, because I ported my old phone number, my Sprint service got cut off last Monday night, and I didn't get my new phone and Cingular service until Wednesday evening after work. I was so upset- that's my only phone! When I finally got things all set up with the new phone, I had 6 voicemails, and a few text messages too. So- if you are reading this, and happen to work for either Evil Sprint (as I affectionally call it) or Stupid Cingular (they are quickly losing their good standing with me even after one week), please consider that when a customer is porting a phone number, service with one company should NOT be turned off before service can actually be begun (meaning the new phone is in hand) with the new company!!! I don't know, I'm kind of simple, but that doesn't seem like too much to ask for...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was going to comment on how celphones are t3h 3v1l, but then the phone company here went on strike for a few days, and only cell phones were working...