Monday, August 29, 2005

Music Recommendations Part 2

I've said it before- I love music, so there are going to be MANY music recommendations!! The latest fav is Copeland (go visit them now). My 2 song recommendations for this evening are: No One Really Wins and Love Is A Fast Song.

"In the endless fight between Grace and Pride- no one really wins this time..."

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

New Tribes Giving Link

The New Tribes Giving site has been updated to include Interface participants, and I'm now listed as a "missionary". :) If you would like to make a donation online, you can click here. Then, in the menu to the right, you can either type in my last name, or look me up alphabetically. Thank you for your continued prayers and support!

Monday, August 22, 2005

Some Prayer Requests...

  • For my supporters- for their well-being, their relationship with God, that they'd be blessed.
  • For faithfulness in keeping in touch with my supporters.
  • Financial concerns brought on by going away for 6 weeks.
  • For better quiet times, and for an open heart. I pray specifically that every time I read The Word, God would help me learn something, and RETAIN the lesson.
  • For love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
  • For true surrender, and full reliance on God alone.
  • I'm praying for the people who will also be attending Interface. I'm specifically praying that God would provide one or two people my age (or close to it)- I've heard that it can tend to be a "younger" bunch... I'm praying that I can connect with a few people who have strong hearts for missions, and make some lasting friends.
  • That the culture shock isn't as bad as the first time I went. It was something I didn't even realize I was experiencing at the time, and it delivered quite a blow... I guess more than anything, pray that I keep a good attitude regardless and remain flexible in spite of cultural stuff that may arise...
  • For language learning while over there- that's going to be a huge part of the curriculum, and for whatever reason, I am terrified of it!! Don't ask why- Spanish was easy enough- Pidgin should be a cinch!

Thursday, August 18, 2005

To My Supporters...

Dear One,

Chances are, if you're reading this, you are my friend. (If you're EXTREMELY fortunate, you're my relative!!) I want to thank you for being a friend to me. Thank you for investing in me. Thank you for touching my life, and for being such a good influence on me. Thank you for your interest in my upcoming trip to PNG. Thanks for playing a role in sending me out to (hopefully) learn how I can best serve God. Thank you for lifting me up in prayer both now while I prepare to go, and while I'm gone too. If you received a prayer card, please put it on your fridge, a mirror, or in your Bible- some place where you'll see it (me) regularly, and remember to pray when you do. Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers as well. You are very special to me!

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Music Recommendations Part 1

I LOVE MUSIC. I love all types of music too- just no country please :) One initial struggle as a secular-humanist-turned-christian was the music that was readily available to me. I knew I wanted to do away with the completely vulgar stuff, or even the stuff that "referenced" sex, drug or alcohol use, and the like- but what would I replace it with?? The local Christian radio station is good, but it is oh so "safe for even the littlest ears". I mean- come on- they play the "yabba-dabba-do-ya" song at least 5 times a day!! THAT IS NOT MY KIND OF MUSIC!!

God is so good- He knows your wants, needs and desires, and He wants to give His Child good gifts, and this is one venue where He's richly blessed me! I gave up the stuff that wasn't pleasing to Him- the stuff that would actually hinder my relationship with Him, and He gave me satellite radio!! (well, it came with my car, but really- that came from Him too!)

Here, now, is a shameless plug for XM- go check them out! Try the free 3 day internet sample, and listen to channel 31- The Torch. It's all-Christian, all awesome music!

Christian artists just blow my mind. They are sooooo talented, and they could be HUGE if they went with big labels, or sold out and were not as "overt" with their beliefs, etc. But these totally talented groups choose to remain small in stature, sell cd's from the back of a van, play in small venues, etc. Why? Because they're not in it for $$- They're using their talents to praise God. How cool is that??

I was driving back from Eustis one day this past spring, listening to a song pair from Cool Hand Luke- "I'm Not Ready" and "Sequence 3". There's this line: "I never truly lived until I died with You"... It reminds me of my favorite Romans 6, and I started crying- it was so powerful to me- There was someone else, somewhere, who became a Christian, and felt the same way I did, and they wrote a song about it...

Tonight, I have been preparing my support letters for mass distribution at Revolution tomorrow night. I'm sitting here in my office, folding letters, stamping envelopes, and listening to music. I happened across a band called "Falling Up", and here is the song that moved me this evening:

Falling In Love
You are my one true love
You are the voice that is so sweet
In everything I do, you bring the best out of me
You are my wings to fly
You are the wind beneath them
I miss you every night, when I close my eyes
You put your feelings down
You stopped your tears you brought me love
You held on to my heart
You held with hope to have me near
Sometimes I close my eyes
Sometimes I let my hunger rise
I think of all you are, you are the love of my life

All of my dreams and my passions
Are in your hands

You reached me in my need
Your rhythm flows under my skin
I need you desperately,
A sweet healing that will begin
You are my one true love
You are the voice that is so sweet
In everything I do, you bring the best out of me
My everything is you
The very motions that I move
And everything with richness
The richness of the peace you bring

All of my dreams and passions
Are in your hands

Always, always you are with me
You are the love of my life
He comes to find you on your knees

Don't you think for a second that this is referencing human love! That's too shallow- shame on you :) It's human love for a Heavenly Father. Someone loved God, and wanted to tell everyone else too, so he put it to music, backed it with talent, and sent it into the world as a song.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

You are Holy...

(taken from a journal entry- Saturday, March 27, 2004)

"Praise Father God- Giver of life,
Power and might, goodness and light-
Ruler of all.
Praise to the Son- The Living Christ.
Body and Blood, Mercy and Love- sweet Sacrifice.
You are HOLY- HOLY.
Praise Holy Ghost- Voice in the dark,
Healer and Friend, Fire and Wind,
Lord of our hearts.
Praise Father God.
Praise to the Son.
Praise Holy Ghost-
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
You are HOLY- HOLY."

These are the words to my favorite praise song. I have decided that my favorite attribue of God is His Holiness. "Holy"... So much comes to mind in that simple word. In the phrase "You are Holy", I hear...

  • You are Pure- free from sin.
  • You are Truth- all Your words are true.
  • You are sincere.
  • You are sovereign. You are Ruler over everything and everyone, and every situation!
  • You are powerful- You can do all things.
  • You know all things.
  • You are in control of all things.
  • You hear all prayers.
  • You direct all lives.
  • You know all fears.
  • You heal all hurts.
  • You forgive all wrongs.
  • You judge.
  • You are JUST.
  • You are mighty.
  • You are reliant.
  • You are Almighty! You can overcome anything!

And this is just the beginning!!

In "You are Holy", I see so much. I see me wanting things not in Your plan for me. I see You withholding my wants and desires from me because YOU know that there is something better for me. I see you saying "NO" to my requests. I see me crying and mourning for things I hold/held dear because they're being taken away. I see me begging for mudpies, when all You want to give me is a holiday on the shore...

I see me on my knees, saying and pleading, that God- Your will be done in my life, knowing that Yours and mine differ. I see me finally submitting to You, and feeling that unbelievable peace that You so often bless me with.

I love this song- and the phrase "You are Holy". Why is it that in spite of the fighting, begging and pleading, do I end up in the same place? It's a good place to end. My conclusion is always "You are Holy". You are in control of my life. You are in control of the difficult stuff, even if I can't make any sense of it. You know exactly why I'm going thru this. You know what the outcome will be- and why is that? Because You are Holy!

God, In "You are Holy", I see submission of myself to You, and of all humanity to You in the end! I love you Lord- because you are HOLY! Take control of my life, my thoughts, my actions, my heart...

Saturday, August 13, 2005


Emily, why are you going back to New Guinea?
I would have gone to Timbuktu, but Interface just happens to be held in New Guinea. I am very glad for the opportunity to return. It's a beautiful country (minus the spiders...), and I loved my time there in 2004.

What are your Financial obligations for this trip?
I'm glad you asked :) This trip will cost $4000. Payments are scheduled as follows:

November 7, 2005- $1300

December 5, 2005- $1300

January 2, 2006- anything that may be left to complete the full amount.

I am also in need of transportation to and from Los Angeles.

How can I be part of supporting you in your preparation and journey?
Two main ways I am in need of support: First and foremost, I covet your prayers. In a future post, you will find some immediate prayer requests. Also, check back every now and again for new posts with new prayer needs as I continue to prepare to go.

If you feel led to help me financially, here are some guidelines:

  • Funds should be sent to New Tribes Missions by check or by money order- never cash. Checks or money orders must be made payable to New Tribes Missions. A note should be included, identifying me as the recipient (ex: "for Emily Parbhoo's SUMMIT account").
  • The address to send donations to is: Destination SUMMIT, New Tribes Mission, 1000 E. First St., Sanford, Fl. 32771-1487
  • You can also make online donations by looking up my name under "Missionary Search" at

Can I keep in touch with you while you're actually IN PNG?
Yes you can!! And I really hope you do! Included here is a snail address (just remember there is a serious lag time- about 3 weeks- so I wouldn't recommend mailing anything past Feb 5, 2006 or so...), and an alternative email address (not for use until I actually leave).

Emily Parbhoo
NTM- Box 1079
Goroka, E.H.P 441
Paua New Guinea

Can you keep in touch with friends/ family/ supporters while you're gone?
Yes I can, just on a limited basis. I will not have much phone access (it's for emergencies only), but I will have frequent email access, and I can always write a note and send it snail.

How can we find out what you're up to over there?
I plan on posting to this site every once in a while, to let family, supporters, and friends know what I've been learning, and what I've been experiencing.

So what exactly ARE you going to be learning??
VERY good question! Here is a list of the topics I'll be learning about.

  • Motivation for Missions- Learn how you can fit into God's plans, find direction, and His will for your life as you focus on His eternal purposes.
  • Evangelism and Discipleship- Learn how to effectively communicate the Gospel, and how to present the Bible's message using the Chronological Approach.
  • Cross-Cultural Communication (I'm gonna be speaking Pidgin by the time I come home!!)- Classroom instruction followed by application in the village.
  • Mission Methods- Look at the careful planning required for church-planting: language-learning goals, surveys, strategy statements, church-planting models, liguistics, literacy, Bible translation, and more.
  • Support Ministries- Meet with missionary teachers, pilots, accoutants, field leaders, and others who faithfully work as part of the team to evangelize and plant churches.
  • Finances in Missions- Look at what it costs to live as a missionary. Get Biblically-based, practical advice from experienced misisonaries.
  • Communicating Missions- Learn how to communicate effectively in order to build partnerships with churches and individuals.
  • Critical Issues in Missions- Frequently asked questions concerning the lost, a misionary's call, singleness, a woman's role in ministry, etc. are discussed.
  • Missionary Training- What options are available, and what mission agencies will look for in a missionary candidate.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

SUPPORT LETTER for Interface 2006

GO and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you ALWAYS, even to the end of the age.
Matthew 28:19-20.

I have seen this for myself- I can tell you that the promise at the end is TRUE!! God has been so good to me in 2004 and 2005! Over and again He’s demonstrated unreasonable love for His child, and it just fills my heart with gratitude and awe, and love in return.

Friend, what stirs your heart for God’s sake? What is it that moves you to tears, and causes you to want to DO something for the sake of building the Kingdom? For me, it is the thought of one day witnessing people from every tribe, tongue and nation standing together, worshipping God, honoring Him, and praising His Holy Name.

Last summer, God blessed me with the opportunity to go to Papua New Guinea to assist some missionaries affiliated with New Tribes Missions in building their home. It was a totally awesome, mind-opening experience! I saw some of the most beautiful things God ever created, met some wonderful people, and learned a little about the culture and beliefs of a people who put their hopes in spirits and material possessions.

I was intrigued by stories about the “cityfolk”- who may have heard of Christ from one of many missionaries, but were led to believe they could earn Heaven through good works. I was captivated to hear about the “highlanders”- who may have never heard of Jesus before, didn't know He died for them, and really- didn't even know they were in need of His Salvation. I was puzzled by stories of the rituals and practices of these same people- how they can't understand the concepts of "Grace" or "Mercy" because nothing in their culture is free- everything has a price, even little "friendly gestures" require Payback.

I also learned how tremendous the task of effectively reaching these people is. There’s so much work involved in cross-cultural ministry! An important point made regarding our supportive efforts was that our work would help expedite the Gospel to people who had never heard of Christ before. Through that venture, I began to “grow a heart” for the duty of SUPPORT to those who are called to share the gospel with people in remote places.

God has been so good! He has blessed me with a new opportunity to return to New Guinea January 16 thru February 28, 2006, and participate in New Tribes’ INTERFACE program. This six week event is designed to give participants a realistic look at the “practical side” of missions. I’ll learn about the entire process of making the Gospel available cross-culturally and establishing a functioning church. I want to serve the Lord. I am truly trusting and praying that God will use this time to give me direction as to my future role in missions as well.

This is a real step of faith for me! I am trusting the Lord completely to provide for this trip. Why don’t you join me! More than anything, I ask for your prayers for this trip. Please pray with me concerning the following:

1. Preparation- packing weight is limited- it’ll be hard to decide what I’ll need for 6 weeks’ time!
2. Finances- I am trusting the Lord to provide the $4000 needed to cover the expenses of my trip, as well as for transportation to and from L.A. (the group departure point), AND home expenses while I am gone.
3. Spiritually- Pray that my life will glorify God both here, among my friends and family before I leave, and among a people of another culture. I am asking God to help me grow and mature in Him. Please pray for clear discernment for me as I make choices in the days to come while I’m preparing to go and while I’m abroad.
4. Dynamics- Pray for the hearts of those people who are even now becoming part of the team- that they will trust God, and desire for His Glory.

Would you prayerfully consider becoming involved in sending me to New Guinea? You’ll be playing an important part in this experience as you do. If God is leading you to support me thru prayer or financial means, please contact me. I encourage you to visit This site will include additional trip-related information, and will give updates on support raised, prayer requests, even accounts of what I’m up to when I’m actually over there!

In Him and For Him,

Emily Parbhoo.

Contact Info:
4439 Brook Hollow Circle
Winter Springs, Fl. 32708

Sunday, August 07, 2005

One Story's Ending...

"It's not what's inside that counts- it's your actions that people see."
(Ok, who can tell that I saw Batman Begins again last night?)

It doesn't matter what is in my heart. It doesn't matter what I believe, what my opinion is, what my intentions are. It doesn't matter what my feelings are. It doesn't matter how much I've prayed, or how hard I've tried... It doesn’t matter that one or two people can see the “good”, or if God Himself has graciously allowed for personal awareness of change in heart and attitude and life.

What matters is the outer layer to that inner core. It's what people see, how I portray myself. It just doesn't matter! I can be so pure of intention and heart, try so hard, feel so strongly, pray so fervently, be so sincere- it won't add up if people can't see it... Unfortunately, we are fallible, so this is really, REALLY subjective. That stinks.

The immediate conclusion I am tempted to be drawn to is, "But what about the PEOPLE?? I can't make them see me for me. Even if I did all the outer changing possible, I can't change a person's already written perspective, if they're unable or unwilling to forgive, or allow for new beginnings. I can't stop someone from stereotyping or (my personal favorite) pidgeon-holing." This is the conclusion I want to end with so badly!

Then that story comes to mind again... "The results of my obedience to Christ is not my responsibility. My responsibility is to BE OBEDIENT."

Matt.7:20- "By your FRUIT you will be known."

Saturday, August 06, 2005

John 20:21

"As the Father has sent Me, I also send you."

Good stuff, good stuff... We have to go people. It's our JOB to go! Where are you going? Where have you been? Tell me a story!

Friday, August 05, 2005


I'm going I'm going I'm going I'm going I'm going I'm going!!!

I know I already knew, but NOW I know even MORE!! YAY! I got my prayer cards a few days ago, and they're so cute! It's got a picture of me from when I was in PNG exactly this time last year. This is practically all I can think of, I'm so excited.

Ok now, all you who may be reading, time to send me a snail address so YOU can have a cute little card too :)