Monday, August 22, 2005

Some Prayer Requests...

  • For my supporters- for their well-being, their relationship with God, that they'd be blessed.
  • For faithfulness in keeping in touch with my supporters.
  • Financial concerns brought on by going away for 6 weeks.
  • For better quiet times, and for an open heart. I pray specifically that every time I read The Word, God would help me learn something, and RETAIN the lesson.
  • For love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
  • For true surrender, and full reliance on God alone.
  • I'm praying for the people who will also be attending Interface. I'm specifically praying that God would provide one or two people my age (or close to it)- I've heard that it can tend to be a "younger" bunch... I'm praying that I can connect with a few people who have strong hearts for missions, and make some lasting friends.
  • That the culture shock isn't as bad as the first time I went. It was something I didn't even realize I was experiencing at the time, and it delivered quite a blow... I guess more than anything, pray that I keep a good attitude regardless and remain flexible in spite of cultural stuff that may arise...
  • For language learning while over there- that's going to be a huge part of the curriculum, and for whatever reason, I am terrified of it!! Don't ask why- Spanish was easy enough- Pidgin should be a cinch!

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